Monday, August 31, 2009

The Joys of Jackson and Best Buy

Not too long ago I took a part time sales position at Best Buy. With my newly acquired bachelor's degree, I had hoped for something more impressive, or at least better paying; but I am told that that will come with time (and/or a better economy... yeah right). All things considered, though, it hasn't been a bad job thus far. The people I work with are all cool enough, and I already know a lot of what I'm doing, so it's not too stressful. Today seemed like a winner for odd customers, though. Here's an incomplete rundown:

- An elderly, smelly, and I think partially undead gentlemen stood by me and another customer I was helping, staring and opening and closing his mouth, making a gross, watery, smacking noise to get my attention. When I finally got around to helping him, he asked if I could get a printer for him. It was on the top of a shelf, and when I got ready to climb the rolling stairs to get it he said, with a grin on his face, "you're going up to see the Lord"...

- Why honesty may not always be the best policy:
Man: I want this laptop.
Me: Ok. Have you spoken with one of our associates to make sure it will do everything you need it to do?
Man: Will it do porn?
Me: It will do porn.
Man: I'll take it.

- Some people apparently think it's effective to talk trash about associates (aka me and Justin) in order to produce the answers they want. Examples include, but are not limited to: "so you don't really know anything about this do you", and "how long have you been working here?"... also, whispering and smirking to one's wife and casting condescending glances seems to be another common practice. I guess each employee is expected to be intimately familiar with each and every feature of each and every product...

- It is also an apparent strategy for large framed men to try and stair down not-so-large-framed sales associates (me again) in order to try and lower manufacturer determined prices completely out of said associate's jurisdiction. If that doesn't work, it could be followed up by walking away muttering, "that's fine, if you don't want our business"....

Seriously, why would I want to be anywhere else?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Senioritis Cured?

Sorry for the long absence... this will be extremely random, but I had the sudden and irresistible urge to post, after months of silence. Anyway........

It has been said, and it has been my experience in the past, that the closer one gets to graduation, the more of a slacker he or she becomes. This unfortunate phenomenon is often referred to as Senioritis (at least in my world). While I have generally bought into this theory and more often than not have found it to be accurate, lately I've actually been feeling strangely motivated. Maybe it's a second wind ushered in by the sighting of the light at the end of this tunnel that has been my college years; maybe it's the realization that all this time and effort will matter very soon; or perhaps it's just a random, short-lived phase brought on by the weather that will soon fade (that last addition doesn't really seem likely to me, but I thought I needed a third). I do know that my momentary motivation has been brought on by way too much coffee that was consumed in hopes of getting through one very tedious OT project (which is completed, by the way... yup). Whatever the case, I have lately been motivated to a) start reading, which by the way is an aspiration I have not had post-high school, b) perfect my technical (and consequently career specific) abilities (which had become quite a chore of late, an issue of some concern to me) and c) become more awesome... again, my third is not anything fantastic, but I'm apparently OCD tonight and have an overwhelming need for threes. Despite all of these aspirations, I'm still way behind, everything is still piling up, and I still don't have a job lined up for after graduation. But for now, I'm not going to worry about that. I am instead going to ignore the rain and the time on the clock and go for a run (in order to work off the sudden energy and randomness that has been brought on by the aforementioned coffee). So goodnight all... go do some good!